Beauty is all around us.

By Grace55

Beautiful Violas.

Happy All Saints Day.
 1st November has begun pleasantly sunny, clear skied here now and cold enough for a warm hat, scarf and gloves.
I went for a blip walk with the hope of finding beauty, from trees, birds, plants or leaves.
There were a great enthusiastic starling family gathering for food, as I walked along the pavement, strewn with wind swept, weather beaten leaves.
If we had the means to do a community leaf mould project, the soil in the Spring, or at some stage, would be richer for it. I found many Violas in the Prospects planters at the railway station and thought how interesting they would be to record for my collage today.
I hope November is a pleasant time with merciful weather.
Some people are going Vegan for November, as a personal challenge, and I admire their attempts as it is said to help use wisely the Earth's resources. It also requires caring planning, or you could miss vital nutrients. I tried it a while ago, then avoided animal meat, but eat fish some times.

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