
By Rosina


Today was so great. After school I did Bbl testing with a friend who told me some exciting things about her family including about her brother having a dream about JC and she wanted to know what it meant. She loved watching the Magdalena film (newly translated into K!) with me too and wants a copy for herself.

Then we went to check out a karate place for Little J to go to. We'd love for the girls to have something to do too but so far haven't found anything but it's great Little J is so keen. He's becoming more and more confident. I met a lovely Arab lady there from Mosul who I think I'd like to pursue a friendship with. Maybe she can teach us Arabic.

I have a general feeling of thankfulness to be able to live here 'at such a time as this'. So many opportunities and more of an openness to talk it feels like.

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