Red In Claw
I'm sad that #Arachtober is over, I've enjoyed my daily spider hunt. I put the long lens on this morning as I would like to capture our shy bullfinches. I could hear but not see them today. As I was walking crestfallen back to the house this red kite swooped over the glasshouses. I wasn't really prepared for a bird in flight but got three shots. In the first its eye was beautifully sharp but in this it's the claws that are sharp. :)
Today's poem is Report on Experience by Edmund Blunden.
EB wasn't pleased with poem and he almost threw it away. Edmund Blunden grew up in Kent, where he developed a deep love for, and knowledge of the natural world. He described himself as 'a harmless young shepherd in a soldier's coat'. Awful for him to have seen a green country ravaged by war so that, "Even the last rat and last kestrel were banished."
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