As Promised...

By aspromised

The plank

He's so nearly crawling! Last night he kept waking himself up rolling! This makes me think there may be some kind of consolidation process going on, which may be affecting his sleep?

He's been progressing slightly every day!

We had a lovely day today, went to Bookbugs in the morning where he enjoyed being on the floor moving about and watching everything. We then met a friend for lunch and he slept through it so I got a meal in peace! Once he woke we went to the butterfly cafe and he played in the playroom quite happily. A chilly walk home and I got all my steps in on stews fitbit which he has kindly donated :)

Mash, peas, sweetcorn and roasted broccoli for tea.. he didn't eat much, wasn't impressed with the mash but again favoured the broccoli!

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