
She asked me for a new warm up suit ages ago and begged me to do some sewing yesterday so I finally got round to doing it for her. I screwed it up initially but it meant I altered the pattern and came up with something I really liked! Better than what I'd have made if it had gone as originally intended!

I was at work today so after morning practice time she came with me, armed with toys, a craft kit we got cheap in tescos on the way and her music theory books. She's trying so hard to make up ground with her theory and has done loads this holiday. She hates that she's quite a long way behind the others in her class. But she's very much younger than the others and her teachers haven't been/aren't (to my relief) just teaching her to the G5 exam as they sometimes do for the other it seems.

We've got holiday club on Friday so she helped me with some of the prep for that before we finished a couple of jobs on the way home. Including stopping at the doughnut stall. Early tea for her before musical theatre. She was exceptionally tired tonight so we scrapped the planned evening piano practise and put her to bed!

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