Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

Speeding fine!

Two years ago, almost to this date we had gone on holiday down to Somerset just as we had last week.

The day before we were due to come home we took some of the dogs out on a local walk that we do. Whilst out MiMi(my friends tiny black and tan) who eats every possible thing decided she would pick something up to eat I saw her chewing and grabbed the remaining thing out to find she had ate a mushroom.

We carried on the walk MiMi usually heads the walk, but she seemed to be very tired and kept stopping for toilet breaks.
We arrived back at the car and put the dogs in their cages to travel back to our digs, when we reached them MiMi had been fairly sick.
We put her by the fire and she seemed to pick up, but as the evening got on she took a turn for the worst, she suddenly lost an amazing amount of blood. That was it I rang a local vet but it was out of hours so the next place was a good 40 mins journey in a village I've never been to.

I drove like a mad thing, the vet popped her on a drip as at this stage we had a dog in a coma, he made a make shift water bottle out of a rubber glove and told me to get some sleep he would sit with her all night.

I returned to the digs had a restless sleep and phoned next day.

He told me she had improved but then had took a bad turn and would be better going to the big vet hospital just outside of Bristol, we got her in the car drip hooked up and raced over to Langford it was like a scene from ER they rushed her in to IT, we had to leave her behind and return home for the week, thankfully these vets saved her life.

The moral of the story no mushroom is safe.

Oh yeah and watch out for speed cameras I got done!!!!

MiMi is fit and well now.

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