One click at a time

By KeithKnight

October Challenge - Playaway - Give me a P

Day 5 of the October daily challenge - Playaway

Of all the children's television programmes that I have watched as an adult Playaway is probably my favourite. It was basically a group of adults having fun, and enjoying themselves. There were some incredibly bad jokes, music from some good musicians, and it introduced some people who went on to much greater things.

Brian Cant was always there, but along with him were Toni Arthur, Floella Benjamin, Derek Griffiths and even Johnny Ball. Among those who went on to much greater fame who also appeared were Tony Robinson and Jeremy Irons

Each programme opened with Give me a P, give me an L, working through all the letters of Playaway. So my blip for today is the letter P (taken from a bottle of PVA glue which has a label that has a very cheaply printed label - hence the colour fringing).

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