Through Jo's Lens

By Jo8lens

Manchester Library

Under renovation....I'll blip it again when the new, improved library is exposed. I also like the fact that, even when it's rush hour, things are still not too chaotic in Manchester.

I had a training session this morning at work. The Laboratory Medicine department has won a major award for improving services and, more importantly, saving a big old bunch of money. Our manager was explaining the concept of it all and how it will continue and, hopefully, keep us all happy and in work. I then went on the wards trying out a new computer where the screen size is about a third smaller than our old ones....I think I might need glasses!! (Actually I do already have glasses due to a lazy eye that was never corrected when I was a's not noticeable but I just have very poor vision in my left eye....anyway, I never wear them because I think they might weaken the vision in my good eye and then I'll be in a right old "har hoo", eh?!!)

Lewis had a day off school today because his teacher had a training day. He had a walk around Rivington with Grandad and Hovis. I believe they went to the pie shop at dinner time too!! Alright for some!

I had a trip out to Manchester with Graham this evening. We tried out a new restaurant and the food was might become our usual from now on! Met a lady with a gorgeous cocker pup on our walk home from the train station. The pup was all black with a lovely, glossy coat. He's called Jenson and didn't like the traffic but I think if she perseveres by taking him out and about all the time, he will make a grand dog. You could already tell that he had a great temperament. Rather chilly today but, aside from that, happy day!

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

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