He to the Hills...

.....And with a cheery wave His Lordship departs for the hills.

When the cat’s away however, the mice will play and the day stretched before me tantalisingly. What would I get up to? Well the washing took precedence.
HL likes to think he is qualified to act as laundry man and I have constantly to bite my tongue as the load he considers possible to be adequately washed is, in my fifty years of laundry training, far too big. Therein lies many an argument, but not today, done and dusted to my satisfaction.

A coffee in Söderberg was next in line, and then a walk to buy some vegetables. On the way home, I stopped to watch a mechanical grabber making light work of *demolishing an addition to the original building of the old Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. When all the many additions spoiling the fine building are demolished and the interior wards removed it will be restored to become the University of Edinburgh’s Business School.

* extra image

The dust was hanging thick in the air and turning the blue sky grey. It will also land on my windows and sills..........

Now I have the afternoon to look forward to. It’s a perfect day for a long walk before the return of the hill walker.

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