Squirrel Nutkin.

No sign of Des at the gym this morning which is unusual. I went into the library on my way out, and ordered some new books.I walked into the fields, and saw this squirrel running under a tree,  but as soon as I aimed my camera, he disappeared from view. I waited a few minutes, and started to walk away, when I saw him around the other side of the tree, on one of the higher branches.I think he was probably saying, you can't get up here, can you. I then walked up to open church, and  I could see a visitor quietly praying in one of the pews.  When he had finished, Kevin  asked him if he wanted to see the points of interest around the church, which he did.  I had a cuppa, and by this time, the visitor, sat with us, and had a cup of tea. We got chatting, and I asked him where he was from, which was Bristol. An hour later, I had found out he was a biomedical scientist, with a very colourful past life.  He was born in the East End of London, and had   had a very bad chidhood, which made him turn to  crime, drugs, and even black magic.   I asked him, what made him change, and he said that he had a terrible nightmare, which he couldn't get out of his mind. To cut a long story short, he started to read the bible, and became a Christian.  He was catching the train back to Bristol, so I walked into town with him, and we shook hands, and off he went. What a fascinating morning that was. I hope he didn't cast a spell on me!

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