
By scharwenka

Edible Flowers

The village of Kidlington, just up the road from us, normally has a somewhat low-key market running on Fridays and Saturdays. Today was rather different, because we were treated to a "European Market".

Most of the extra stalls were French or Italian, and, in my opinion, rather more interesting than the overpriced French Market that occasionally appears in Oxford. And it was very nice to be greeted by the stallholders with a cheerful Bonjour Monsieur or Madame, and to have an opportunity to talk a little French with them.

Of the several photographs that I took,I chose this one for Blipfoto of Italian edible flowers because they were so colourful. Many of them seem to be brightly coated chocolate, rather like upmarket Smarties, but there were several other edible flowery items as well.

I was quite interested by the comparison between this market and the 'real' ones in France. I realised that I have an entry in Blipfoto from more than two years ago where I linked in a few photographs of a market on the Charente-Maritime coast that we use with great pleasure. Although just a small-town operation, it's extensive and lively. But today's market was pretty lively, too. For comparison with the 2010 photographs, here are some additional ones from today:


Biscuits and tarts;

Italian Nougat;

One corner of the market;

Salamis, hams, smoked garlic, etc.

Bon Appetit!

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