Legend Of The Christmas Cactus.

A young boy who lived in the jungle had prayed to God to give him a sign of Christmas in his hot and humid world. At first , nothing happened but on Christmas Day, he stepped outside his hut and saw that the jungle had filled with flowers overnight. Cacti growing on the branches of the surrounding trees, had all started to bloom at the same time. Moreover, they looked like Christmas bells, and so another legend was born.  This particular cactus of mine also has a story to it. Some of you may remember from previous blips. A few years ago, before my hip was replaced, it was painful to walk and on Christmas Eve, a parcel from my family in Colorado, was waiting at the depot to be collected. After 2 bus journeys in the freezing cold, I found the depot was now somewhere else. Another bus ride and long walk. Another lady who also had to find the new place was at the bus stop and noticed me looking so cold and fed up. She took the cactus out of her bag and gave it to me, hoping it would cheer me up. I remember her every year, such a kind act to me, a stranger.

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