Poppi (again) and that tree

My heartfelt thanks to Meles who identified the tree I came across yesterday on the boundary of our land. I think she is right in saying it is a Sorbus Domesticus (pyrifera). A Service or Sorb tree. Sometimes called a 'whitty pear' because of the similarity of its foliage with the Rowan Tree.

There is a useful description of the tree here

Pyrifera because this one has pear-shaped, rather than apple-shaped, fruits.  And a drink can be made from the bletted fruits.

A long day on the land clearing, clearing - spindle, field maple, blackthorn, OMB, bramble, hazel. Then to an amazing garage  with lots of old timers milling around. I ordered four winter tyres from Stefano. I also bought a new four-tined hay fork, a pair of German loppers and some wire.

The boar are still getting in.

A drive on the winding road in the dark. Dead beat but everyday is making a difference.

PS - there is a field of abandoned vines below the house. Now, if that could be incorporated into the estate we would be able to make our own wine and sorbus drink.

A nice Italian site on the sorbus domesticus (with great photos) that was well-known to the Romans who made a cider-like drink called cerevisia (hic).

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