Ten Little Indians...(er) Vultures

One thing I don't like about Blip...is that it turns you into a camera-carrying crazy person. "I DON'T HAVE A PICTURE...WHAT CAN I DO TO GET ONE?"

Around these parts...once we lose the birds and the colors...things get bleak. With that gloomy thought in mind...I went for a drive in the country.

Horses, doves, cranes, changing trees, and a donkey. I snapped away, but nothing that great. Out of the corner of my eye...up a country lane...I tawt I taw a puddy cat turkey vulture, and stopped the car.

I opened the car door, and stood on the seat. Many vultures, but too far away, and too much underbrush in my way.

A moral debate came next. The sign read NO HUNTING OR TRESPASSING...but..."I NEED A PICTURE!!!" I interpreted the sign like my friend Al interprets speed limit signs. They're just a suggestion ...and not to be heeded.

I forged past the sign with my car to see the 10 little turkey vultures. I glanced around to make sure there wasn't a sheriff and his posse coming, and snapped away. They were very co-operative, although I would have liked to get out of my car, and got closer.

A glorious, but ugly bird. I was thrilled to see them.The rest of the didn't-make-it's...I put on my Flickr page. Don't tell anybody...(whisper)...but I also trespassed to get the cranes. It is a property (business) that I have already been kicked off of. I figured that since I was in my sons car...that they wouldn't recognize me.

You see what I mean about this site turning you into a crazy person? (I would have used physcopath if I knew how to spell it.)

Hope everyone has a swell weekend.

Check out my grandson at the pumpkin patch a year ago>>>>>>>>.
He's so cute!

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