Resident with camera

By Lawrie

The Flamingo Incident

the previous day to this we had heard a rumour of flamingos. Me, Analise and Ole (both spelt incorrectly) searched for them - we didn't find any. We did find an illegal hunter, the police took action.

The next morning, Me, Steve and ? went checking for migrating birds, we got back, were just finishing breakfast, when the Flamingo Alarm went off. Ian from another team didn't even get a mouthful.

We combed the coast to the north.

We got a call at 11 to say that a wounded flamingo had been found by Ian - just reward for not getting breakfast.

It appears that several birds had been killed and wounded. This one was in a populated area, but it was too mobile to catch. We watched over it for 24 hours. It restored my faith in Malta as the locals came out with refreshments and supported us.

A second bird was found and recovered too.

Me and Andrew, along with several others at different points watched the bird until 8pm, when Nik and Luke took over. I (we) thought it wouldn't make it through the night.

However, it was recovered and the prognosis is good despite being shot and having a badly injured leg.

Full story on the Times of Malta website

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