It's a Geeks Life

By geekmeek

The Beast of Bushy

Today was a day of all emotions. Gym first thing for a good session. After not revising for Mondays interview I went to Kingston to do chores. On the way out, I scraped the car. Poot! I stopped at the Park and went for a wander with the camera to do some landscape. The landscape was not inspiring and the air was full of the sound of rutting deer. On the way back to the car a crowd was still gathered around one Stag and his "Girls". I joined the gathering and got chatting to others a good distance away. Slowly some crept closer for a better photo. Then unbeleiveably 3 mothers with pushchiars went right up to the deer and stood watching him as he bellowed and moaned. (they had babes in arms too, so if he ran they would stand no chance). Finally they moved on.

It was just as well as suddenly he made a break for the bracken to chase another Stag. This beast has got a reputation, he is quite a brute and is known as The Beast of Bushy. Once he had chased the Stag off he emerged and let us know who was boss. This is the shot above.

I spent quite a lot of time watching the deer and they really are daft when hormones and emotions run high. It's quite fascinating. Its a shame my best lens I had with me was the 60mm otherise I could have zoomed in closer.

I got home and the phone went, I now have 2 interviews on Monday! So advance warning, there may be no blip!

Good weekend all!

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