In Pictures and Words

By danebsworth


...bottom seams of Burkas.

Today, and for the second time in my Egypt epoch, I witnessed an escalator fuelled burka incident. The first time was in City Stars and was, by today's standards, tame and forgettable...

I heard the noise first: hysteria! Then the commotion caught my eye. Leaning around the cash machine, I caught sight of the women, who was near the top of the escalator while her burka was caught at the bottom, as she faced her reality.

She was going to fall.
She was going to knock over the even older women that was behind her.
Escalators are sharp and clearly unforgiving!

Several members of Metro ran to their aid. One man brought a seat that fell apart instantly.


In Other News
Good round of golf today.

Never had neat, carefully chilled Jim Beam Black Label at 9.50 before.

Never hit a birdie before either!

Boom Mother Fuckers!!!

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