In the flow

Yesterday was probably my worst day in the job... whole day of phoning, no sales until 7.59pm... colleague called me "a bloody liar" in front of the whole office, which I challenged and told him I resented... I then emailed and texted today to clarify that I respect amd admire him and invited him to explain himself so I could clarify any misunderstanding... no reply. Today I was on the road... had pre-existing appointments in Spalding, so filled up with others rather than ringing them (much better when I've not yet met them), and ended up selling £2000 of wine... as well as enjoying the company of several customers, and squeezing in an excellent game of croquet. Ended the day with calamari and a glass of two lovely wines whilst having a cuddle with Jack (I took him in the car with me - obviously a lucky mascot!). This is the life!
PS less positively, car service ended up costing £700... 3 new tyres, ball joint, AC recharge, two batteries for remote keys... better sell some more wine...!!

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