
My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

It has been a blustery, rainspitty day here in Wellington. I ventured out at lunchtime but being gobbed on by a heavenly host of angels was not appealing to me.

Fortunately, I spotted the Wellington Museum by the harbour. This isn't Te Papa, the national museum I'm talking about here. Just a little free museum dedicated to the city.

Free! Did you hear that my Yorkshire side? FREE.

So it seemed like a good place to wander for a while. Unfortunately I didn't have much time to explore but I got to look around the bottom floor. It was fun. I'll go back and explore the rest another day.

Today's picture is of the Dominion Flag. Apparently it flew in Wellington in 1907 when New Zealand was granted Dominion (self-governing) status. 

I've bought myself a book on New Zealand history. It's my plan to educate myself. Today seemed like a decent start.


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