
By YoungerDaughter


An extremely busy day for me today. After getting home quite early due to a lack of traffic on the way home, I managed several hours sleep before collecting Theo from school and going onto a PTA meeting. We're currently organising a "glow" disco and several Christmas events. Everyone in the PTA is really friendly and welcoming although the group is surprisingly small (only around 8 members despite the school having approximately 360 students). I had to leave the meeting a little early to take Theo onto his martial arts class and then onto collect Henry from nursery before coming home, cooking their dinner and running their bath. At this stage I handed over to Neil while I went out for dinner with a couple of close friends for one of their birthdays. On returning home I realised I hadn't taken any photos for today's blip so quickly took a snap of Henry lying sideways across his cot and fast asleep!

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