Surprise Parcel

I got an email at work saying I had a parcel waiting for me at reception. Strange, I haven’t ordered anything? Last time this happened I got excited and it turned out to be some field kit arriving back in.

The box was very light, had fragile written all over it and was from California... very intriguing!

Inside was this awesome cap. Turns out when Matt left the company a couple of weeks ago he had ordered it as a wee thank you present for me.

Here’s the geeky part... the cap has the Null Island flag on it. Never heard of Null Island... probably not. It’s a fictional island made by geeky mappers! Located at 0,0 (null, null) longitude latitude it is where all the crap data ends up! Haha. Matt knew me well and knows I’ve dealt with my fair share of this rubbish, maybe a few from him! Cheers Matt. I shall wear it with pride!

Click on the link for it above. It’s a genuine website with ‘facts’ about the island’s history. Quite entertaining.

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