Red Flash

By RedFlash


This is the Magritte 1898 -1967, bollard sponsored by the Winchester Community Council. I sing with the Winchester Community Choir so it alway temporarily confuses me when I see WCC

I appreciate that you can't see the details of the bollard but it the Colour Factories interpretation of Golconde

According to the press release for the bollards:

"In Golconde, Magritte paints himself in endless repetition. In trench coat and bowler cap, he becomes a symbol for "everyman", perhaps commenting on the anonymity of city life.Belgiansurrealist artist. He became well known for a number of witty and thought-provoking images. His work challenges observers' preconditioned perceptions of reality."

If you've been watching my blips for a while you will know all about the bollards in Winchester but just in case you have forgotten them. There are 17 of them dotted around The Square. The first ones were painted in 2005 and were sponsored by the Hat Fair.

The Colour Factory, a local company has taken inspiration from some of the world's greatest artists, adding an element of fun and interest to the city's street furniture. And the locals probably don't even notice them.

Go large to see the men in their Bowler hats

The things that made me smile:

Met up with MaybeDaily for a coffee and a very nice chat and have arranged to meet Connected by Light next week

Exercise: Walked down town and back

PS: Worked from home this morning as I have been to the hairdressers today to have the red flash refreshed.

PPS Just been watching a programme about Jeff Lynne and now listening to ELO - Mr Blue Sky. Such great music

PPPS: The DING is really LOADING

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