
By RobinBanneville

Un/Loading The Van

I was hoping that the sun would rise whilst I was out and about on my deliveries, so that I could find a good vantage point ... But no, it had to rise when I was back at the laundry unloading my van ... :o/
Having looked for the best place to capture the rising sun (under the limited circumstances), I eventually decided to zoom in on it through a stack of old industrial bits-and-bobs and some messy barbed wire ... (necessity is the mother of invention) ... :o)
(Note: The strangely effective red blobs, are courtesy of lens flare, but they seemed to add a bit of interest to the shot, so I left them in.)
PS ... I'm still way behind with my blips, but I don't think I'm losing any ground at this moment ... I'm managing at least one per day and possibly two ... :o/

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