
By CharlieBrown

Good Grief 317

Liminal spaces
I was struck today by all the liminal places in such a small space whilst at work today.
I've talked before, tediously probably, about the spaces in, around, and between, grief and depression. I've nothing useful to add other than what I notice. Today, in the spaces between bits of work, I cried. I hoped the nice smiley man from Euthanasia Inc. would knock at the door of my cell and offer his wares with the cheery normality of offering a cup of tea. And then, as I seem to have become so masterfully adept at doing, I park it all and carry on as if I too exist in cup-of-tea world. Luckily I don't have to pretend because it's not a cup-of-tea world in this place and so we all exist in our liminal spaces and find so much of life within them, even if not pretty, although sometimes that too.
However, my world feels terribly distant from any other little galaxies just now.
I said sometime back about keeping notes
Notes that feel more real than the DSM's and ICD's.
Hearing - I mentioned in the last blip about hearing my voice as I left a voicemail message. It is one of those liminal places that seems to alter. I don't know how to describe it but it relates to the deep world of silence and something to do with the contrast. It relates to loss of connection of self, with self and with others. It is to do with the internal voice and the external voice.
Anyway, it is one of so many of these liminal places exploration. Too tired to face the final frontier just now.
Time for a cuppa.

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