Okay, so who turned the cold on? Because a bit of a warning would have been nice! Yesterday I was hopping around in flip-flops and a tshirt - and today I found myself thinking that maybe gloves were not such a bad idea. The library sign said it was 49F/9C - so I figured it was broken. But then the middle school said the same thing: 49F. Ofcourse, by then (it's a little further down the road) I was thinking about woolly hats so I believed it. My poor Percys came running as soon as I showed my face - they are going to need that extra layer of fat very soon.
Anyway, because things were already crazy I went a little overboard with processing but that made the rain smears on the lens show up so in the end (1200 hours later) I had to crop it square and that made the crazy HDR colours and whatnot look too crazy. *sigh* I could have been eating chocolate you know.
It's WEEKEND! In a world of emoticons, I'm colon capital D! (no points for guessing where I got that!)
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