
The gas pipes have been getting replaced along our road and at the moment they are outside our house. They have stopped the ordinary pedestrian crossing lights and replaced them with their own mobile ones that will obviously move along as they need them. What I found most intriguing is this guy sitting in the truck. His job is to watch them! All day! He just sits in his truck...ALL DAY!
I had my suspicions that this was the case but today I witnessed it. He didn't move all day from 8:30-4:30 Just sat in his truck reading a paper or playing on his phone! Surely somebody somewhere recognises that this is not cost effective?!!

I, after a lot of debating last night and this morning, decided that I really shouldn't go in to work and that just perhaps I ought to listen to my body! So I took the day off.....and probably will tomorrow too.
Cathie called about 5pm to see what I was doing and she was worried that I'd still be as down as I was last night. But after being greeted by a happy contented slightly giddy voice she asked what had changed. I said that I hadn't gone into work and we just laughed! She told Stuart and he just laughed and said 'Well done!"
It's nice when others recognise the pressures and how hard it is to take time when needed...and are then able to congratulate you!
I think every time someone manages to 'buck' the system in that way it gives us all a little hope!!!!!

Today my wonderful sister and brother-in-law arrived in the country! :) And I couldn't work out a way of how to get there!!! But, they are here!....and I'll see them at the weekend! :D I can't wait! :D

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