Ghostpoet at the Brudenell

I have waxed enthusiastically here in previous posts regarding my enjoyment of the Brudenell Social Club as both a bar and, particularly, a venue. I will go and see an artist if they're playing there where I might have wavered if they were playing somewhere less appealing. 

And so it was with Ghostpoet. The Minx is a fan but last time we saw him, in Manchester, I must admit that I left before the end (although that was partly because one of my daughters, Hannah, was with us, too, and she was up for a return to the bar). But I have enjoyed the new album, 'Dark Days and Canapés', so that and the venue swung it and the Minx and I went over to stay in Leeds, this evening.

With her usual accommodation inspiration, she had booked us a room at the Cricket Ground at Headingley, which was an odd and interesting choice: our room looked out over the pitch. So we enjoyed a glass of wine there while we made ourselves presentable and then walked to the venue.

You know, sometimes you go to a gig, like when we saw The Wedding Present at the Continental a few months ago, and you enjoy every song, regardless of whether you are familiar with it. Tonight was the reverse of that; I really enjoyed the handful of songs I knew but nothing else really grabbed me. Still, one of the joys of the Brudenell is that you can lean against the bar and still feel close to the stage, plus I enjoyed watching the Minx dancing and enjoying herself. 

-13.3 kgs
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