As Promised...

By aspromised

Oh baby

Stew, Angus and I went for coffee at the butterfly cafe this afternoon so Angus could have a play in their playroom. He enjoyed the ballpool as usual, and then had a roll about on the floor examining different toys. When I picked a baby up and held it out to him his eyes lit up and he seal-flopped at speed towards it! Lol! So I obviously chucked it to daddy so he had to about-turn and go the other way! When he got hold of it he slapped it on the head a few times then babbled to it! Haha! It was cute!

He missed his afternoon nap so he was rather grumpy and ended up power napping a bit later than I'd have liked! Saying that he was in bed by 8pm and hasn't stirred since (now midnight!).

Because he is sleeping on his front we've set up the monitor (tommee tipee movement mat) to keep an eye on him.

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