Dad's cat

We left home early for our trip south to see my Dad.  He has had a cataract operation and I am keen to  spend some time with him ensuring he is OK and eating properly.  

At 84 he still lives alone and while respecting his independence the time is really right for extra help - which he resists.

Really good trip south and called in on No 2 son en-route who is working temporarily at a coffee house in Tring.  It was very busy and he was rushed off his feet.  We will catch up with him again tomorrow evening to hear more of his stories.

Arrived at Dad's at lunchtime and I was delighted that he seemed OK from his ordeal.  The eye drops were duly administered and we spent the afternoon with him.

Had dinner with Santana's youngest son and it had been a long time since we had seen him.  Good form.

Fairly early night after quite a busy day.

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