Snapshots of my world

By yeeeeed

Easy like a Sunday!

Sunday. Ahhh Sunday! It doesn't matter whether it is a holiday week, or fortnight, or a normal weekend Sunday, Sunday always has a different feel to the entire week. A day with a different pace to any other, regardless of how you decide to spend it. A day when your soul has the chance to catch up with your body! 

A morning of sorting various bits and bobs, including taking a trip to get some supplies for Children in Need, before getting out into the great outdoors...naturally! A beautiful stroll to Norwood Green in the sunshine, complete with a sit on this seat with a flask. Gorgeous, just gorgeous. 

This half term has taken me to the Lake District with Mum, Thirsk with Dad, Yorkshire (with myself ha ha!) and to Troon to see my sister, her Tim and Polly. I've been lucky to enjoy many miles of cycling and walking, not to mention lots covered by car, in the company of those I treasure the very most. How lucky does that make me. Full steam ahead to the half term of glitter and learning nativity songs that you then simply cannot get out of your head! 

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