I figured that if my journal had a characteristic genre, it was slow exposure waterfalls. Anybody betting that I would feature such an image on my 6 year blipday was bound to be on pretty safe ground.
Today I hiked down the Leura Cascades canyon to check on a landslide report. I am relieved to say that all of the iconic waterfall scenes proved to be perfectly safe although the recent rainfall provoked slippage of land (down the adjacent mountain side) HAS closed a section of the Prince Henry walk. Some rocks have tumbled down the slope to create new features (and new waterfall scenes) in the stream. But there is ample evidence that such events have occurred many times before.
In any case, the picture above is of the rockfall which has effectively narrowed the stream, shortly above the famous grotto. I had been debating which of two images I should post today. Norma liked the one above and I DO trust her judgement. Nonetheless I have decided to post the alternative (the grotto fall) as an extra, just in case you were interested to see it.
Let me say, once again, how grateful I am for all of the support and friendship which has accrued to me over these past six years. The quality of the people is what has always made this site so special.
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