Gitama's World

By Gitama

Milford Sound and Surrounds

I poked my head out of the window early this morning...really early to see what the weather was doing......the sky was alight with gorgeous pinks and lavender hues.
By the time I jumped out of bed (it was very cold) got dressed grabbed camera and made it down to the lake it was just about over......however it was lovely to see the moon still hanging around.

After some trepidation as to weather our trip to Milford Sounds was going to seemed by all accounts on further investigation that it was a go.
I was happy when we were finally on the bus going there.........yay!

The 2 hour drive was amazing........we penetrated into the mountains...those snow capped peaks surrounded was a veritable feast of lovliness.....very happy being in the mountains I was.

We got to Milford Sound and boarded our boat........I was told by the bloke who worked on the boat that the snow had just just happened overnight they weren’t snowy fabulous.

We stayed up on camera chewed up the batteries and the sun came went pissed down with got really did everything......all of it just gorgeous....we had raincoats and the cameras are water resistant....although I have to say mine is doing some weird things.

I remember a few years back and we came through on a big did pretty much the same thing and I remember liking it to The Mists of has such an other worldly quality gliding through those waters.

On the bus trip back we stopped off at a place called The really was amazing...the water rushing down big drops at such speed to hew out holes in the rocks...but to be honest it was the forest that grabbed me......the green moss and lichen growing all over the trees......There were so many things I wanted take pics of but I had to rush back to the bus.......They were always waiting for me as I was always last .....and secretly resistant to the rush.

Oh yeah! That lovely bus driver did stop up at the pass where there was snow......I made a snowball to chuck at Peter but the piker had slunk off to sit back in the warm bus.........I chased a Kea around the car park to get some shots of him....what cheeky characters they are.......I love ‘em.

I’m schnoockered again and I’m off to seems that I never seem to finish blipping until around 11pm...but then I have so many pics to sort through it’s ridiculous.

What another marvellous day..........I’m as happy as a clam.

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