A trip into Falkirk to buy some bits and pieces at the shops, and I was struck by this bit of architecture on the side of a building in the town centre. I hadn't really noticed it before and I reckon it only caught my eye this time around as it was directly lit by the late-afternoon sunlight.
Thanks to the power of the internet (the information on which is factually accurate occasionally) it seems that Ditat Servata Fides translates (or should that be transliterates) as "Faith Preserved Enriches". It is also suggested that "Faith Preserved" has the same meaning as "Loyalty", therefore "Loyalty Enriches". Seems less clumsy in English that way.
Elsewhere on t'web it is suggested that Ditat Servata Fides was the motto of the National Commercial Bank of Scotland, now part of the RBS Group. As for the building on which this masonry carving can be found: it's now a betting shop. No change there, then!
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