Update Tommy, November 6th, 2017

Update Tommy November 6th, 2017
Well.. last Saturday I again started with the zeolite as bottom coverer (see earlier posts, and this is zeolite: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeolite ). Sunday I was away the whole day and only came home at 9PM. He did a little poop in the cage, but only one.... I took him out and put him on his playtree and he again did a big poop and the smell was awful. Today I worked from home instead of coming Wednesday and I let him in the cage till about 1:30 PM. Still no poop... Put him on the playtree and he pooped immediately and my my ... the smell was horrific. I smelled it at the other side of the room. Pfffff. Than I thought... that is it. I worked in my room for more than one hour and changed the area of his cage and his playtree. I really don't know if that helps, but I have to try it.
What a mess this is!!!
Keep you all posted. I just wrote an update to my avian specialist dr. Yvonne van Zeeland, too.

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