2nd Sat Strollers

By AndrewDBurns

Van Morrison

As mentioned yesterday, went to see Van Morrison at the Playhouse last night - I'm a huge fan of his music, and having never seen him perform live before I was slightly worried (not just down to the ticket price!), but given his reputation for live-performance being either brilliant or subdued, with nothing in-between ...

... now, bias admitted, I thought he was quite simply superb last night :-)

I should more acurately say, Van Morrison and the six other musicians on stage with him, were superb --- their collective sound, along with Van Morrison's voice, was effortlessly ethereal; and there is just no doubt they were all very firmly in 'the groove' :-))

I'm extremely glad we bought those tickets:

"Well we're gonna have to sit down and think it right through
If we're only human what more can we do."

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