Euan Me and Rhona too!

By noifa

Bad Mummy

Euan pulling on the rope that is holding the fence up. It just about blew down in the high winds last week so Martin and his Granda put in stakes and tied the fence onto them. It is doing the trick just now and his Granda is looking into how to fix it more permantly.

We were out for lunch today for an Indian meal. It was lovely and Euan was so good the whole meal. Rhona was asleep in his buggy so we decided to let him walk back to the car. In that time he ran onto the road, not once, not twice, but three times with us both shouting at him to stop before the road and Martin running after him to catch him. He is so fast. Euan thought it was hilarious and us shouting at him did nothing but make him laugh more so I ended up smacking him. I feel really bad for doing it as I promised myself I never would but he just wouldn't listen. After that I asked him what he was doing that was naughty. He knew fine well that he was "running on the road and a car might knock me down". I have told him it would be very sore if that happens but he doesn't really understand. He will be walking with reins when he is out with just me, or will be firmly strapped in the buggy.

I was hanging out the washing when I took this photo of him. He told me he was trying to pull Stripe off the top of the fence!

It is duck with orange sauce done in the slow cooker and it smells so delicious my mouth keeps watering. Can't wait for tea now!

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