No memory card in camera!

I can imagine most of us have done this ... switched on a camera only to see one of the 'oh dear' messages!

A mobile phone tiny (for tiny Tuesday) section of the plaster-work in the Adam Room at Compton Verney. In the extra, a wider view of the far end of the room.  Surprising how something need not look too detailed close up to be impressive seen from a greater distance.

I went to see the Quentin Blake exhibition, which is very good and worth seeing. Alongside the illustrations used in the books were some of his original notes and first draft sketches for e.g. the scale of the BFG compared to Sophie. 

Also had a look in the Naples gallery as the paintings there are a sight to behold and I wanted to look at some of the still lifes for ideas on arranging photographic versions.   

There is a current exhibition Unsilencing the Library which is an encouragement to look at the books and talk about them  Based in the Women's Library room, it is quite thought provoking given the current news items around sexual harassment.  The women's library is so called as alongside the door frame are two mock bookshelves which contain books by female authors - the real books on the other shelves have been chosen by children from the high school in Kineton. 

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