and through the wire...

By hesscat

Burning Sky

I was lucky to notice the setting son this afternoon before it went dark and I had to resort to a bathroom blip. On that note, the floor was tiled yesterday, shower tray and creeping up the walls was today and they might finish tomorrow. Bath, sink and w/c will follow that. In the attic however, preparations are being made for what maybe the biggest water reservoir for 5 miles. The decision making is still ongoing though...

To change the subject, back in June my mother won a Guide Dogs Scotland award to recognise her contribution to puppy walking and fund raising. Recently she heard she was being nominated for the UK wide awards but was unable to travel down. However at a local puppy walker meeting yesterday, she was surprised/hoodwinked/ambushed by the top brass when they presented her the UK award that she had won... and she thought it was just a normal meeting. Anyway, it's great to see the recognition for all her and my father's hard work. The extra has a group photo.

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