The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Throwback Tuesday

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Work is very busy in the build up to the big switch on weekend so I am in a ‘reduced tolerance’ state of mind. My internal BS alert goes off so often that it feels like there is a constant air raid siren inside my head.

It was a complete relief to get home and curl up in the sofa with the Mini Princesses to watch Stranger Things. (The Prince is not a huge a fan of this genre. I think we lost him at ‘demigorgon’).

I actually laughed out loud when Steve explained his hair routine ‘when it's damp, not wet, use four puffs of the Farrah Fawcett spray’. I then had to explain who Farrah Fawcett was to the MPs.

Eighties throwbacks are lost on the youth!


PS I ate so many Toffeepops that I couldn’t eat any dinner. Oops!

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