Waterfoot Sunrise

By alasdairb

Autumn Robin

Didn't get that far today and ended up with few opportunities for a blip. Visited a friend in the morning and took my camera with me as the last time I was at his house we watched an Eagle soaring high above. The sky was bright blue, the autumn colours were lovely with a profusion of Rowan berries, but no sign of an Eagle!

On returning home, I stopped to open the garden gate and a much smaller bird made his presence known by landing on the bonnet of the car. No sooner had the wee Robin landed when it was chased away by another Robin. The pair of them flew about after each other making plenty of noise and I guessed they were involved in some kind of territorial dispute. Anyway, it was a chance of a blip so I grabbed the camera and left the car. As I did so one of the Robins landed on the top of a wheel and jumped about on the tyre before flying off into a hedge. What was it with this Robin and the car? It was as if it was trying to catch my attention and impress me.

By the time I had the camera ready the Robin was hopping about on top of one of the gate posts and making plenty of noise. Later in the afternoon when I was cutting the grass the Robin ( well I think it was the same one but I can never tell them apart!) followed me about and was happy to land near the lawnmower to pick up whatever bugs had been disturbed by the machine.

While Swallows are definitely my favourite Summer bird, Robins top the charts for me at this time of year!

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