Backing up :(

Back in my possession for less than 14 days and I smashed the screen! Doh! It also wouldn't power up for a few days. Thought I'd try it one last time to back it up before calling the insurance people, it worked! Linked it up to the tv screen and backed it all up, however it won't connect to the Internet and claimed it couldn't detect a battery ... Oops! Coke mustn't be too good for the laptop...

Tonight was the night I was meeting Heather and Caleigh to take them out for their respective birthdays - Virn came too and we also took along a 4 yr old Olivia. She's never ever been to a cinema, never mind a theatre to see 'The Sound of Music'. She did really well and was cute as hell singing along! Here's to a lifetime of making memories with her like that one! However her tiredness meant she wouldn't pose for a photo with me, hey ho!

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