Looking up

It’s been a while since I went to Symphony Hall and last night’s concert is one that will stay in my memory for many years.

I remember watching BBC Young Musician of the year 2016 and agreeing that the young cellist rightly won. He’s only 18 now and about to embark on his degree, but he held the audience spellbound with his performance of the Shostakovich Cello Concerto. Sheku Kanneh-Mason is a musician we’ll be hearing a lot more of in the coming years.

He has a charming innocence and such an expressive face (and our sparkling conductor had to give him a big shove back onto the stage to take his second round of applause. - we could see it because we were in the front block of the stalls).

Mirga Grazynite-Tyla is our young Lithuanian Music Director who has already proved a worthy successor to Andris Nelsons. She's tiny and virtually dances her way through every performance. “Sleeping Beauty” was perfect for her.

My blip - yes, well, Furbie just looked lovely as she was checking things out. I was enjoying listening to the latest Jonas Kaufman recording on Spotify which has come free with my new phone contract.....hence my blip title...

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