Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Bus stop fame

About 18 months ago I did the photography for a leaflet that we were producing at work to help people access mental health services. It keeps popping up when I least expect it in shop windows, libraries and the like. Tonight, The Dizzle and I were waiting for a bus at Guildford bus station and saw it underneath a timetable. So here it is ...

The beauty of this leaflet is that I ended up using the services I was helping promote. So I have a vested interest so’s to speak. Just as well really as things are a bit gruelling at work, today being particularly long and intense although not unproductive. I certainly felt valued anyway, one senior colleague actually saying “I don’t know what we’d do without you” which is nice.

I’ve had a bit more energy this week and in particular have noticed that my legs don’t feel as heavy and I am walking less wearily. Maybe the all clear I got from the ECG and the working from home flexibility I’ve been given are paying off in terms of reducing stress and fatigue. It is probably not the change in medication as they say that takes a month or more to kick in, but I’m not knocking it.

Really really looking forward to the weekend ... first time in ages that We don’t have anything on. Home and chill time.

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