"No fires"

Many years ago, I read a self-help article that involved a cross that was formed by two axes. The horizontal one ran from 'important' to 'unimportant' and the vertical one had 'not urgent' at the bottom, ascending to 'urgent'.

This gives you four quadrants: urgent and important; urgent but not important; not urgent but important; and not urgent and not important. 

Over the years I have discovered that anything that falls to the right of the centre axis, i.e. anything that is not important, is unlikely to get done. Thus, I end up with two categories: 'you need to do this very soon' and 'you need to do this at some point'. This second category is like catnip to a procrastinator. 

Over the last three months I've had some things I need to do for our accountant. So far I have had jokey reminders but not those passive aggressive ones that I feel bad for obliging anyone to send. I am determined to be better, this year, so today I went into the office to do everything that was required. I guess I could have done it in an hour or two but I took four. 

At lunch time, the Minx and I walked to Asda to buy some lunch and I took a photo of this lovely yellow skip although the sun still wasn't quite bright enough.  

-13.7 kgs
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