Diary of an Edinburgher

By LadyMarchmont

A day as a tourist

These two Kiwi visitors kept us up late last night and forced us to drink lots of wine! I woke with an almost day-wasting headache, but two big mugs of water at 7am and back to bed for two more hours made the day usable.

We set off after a very slow start, to the castle. With various detours by Greyfriars Bobby and the museum, we got there by 12.30. Oh good, we'll get to see the gun firing at 1pm.

Er, no... The queue was a mile long. So we abandoned that idea and will go tomorrow a bit earlier.

Vowed at 7am this morning never to touch alcohol again, but had forgotten this pledge by lunchtime, when we were in a wee bar in Thistle Street. But the tables are quite close together, and why does everyone shout? I'll tell you why - because the muzak is on too loud.

Much more wine than intended was drunk, with stops at Missoni and the Outsider. We had a great seat there, and this was the view. After I had taken loads of shots with a dead bug stuck on the window, the charming waiter came and opened the window for me.

The Magical Mystery Tour is on TV tonight. I hope I can stay awake. I MUST see it again.

Castle tomorrow. It's very tiring being a tourist.

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