This morning, Sarah sent me a link about a huge 3D map of Scotland which was discovered in the grounds of a hotel in Peebles. I was instantly reminded of my first primary school in North London, where there was a 3D map of the Holy Land, and I embarked on awn internet quest to try to find a photo of it to show her, but to no avail. The school is still there, but no longer run by Belgian Benedictine nuns, and a satellite view on Google maps shows an empty space where the Holy Land once was.
I was at the school between the ages of 4 and 8, probably very formative years. I have many, many memories, most of them happy. The nuns were kind and gentle. They allowed passing tramps to sit in the playground while they fed them hot meals. They inspired me with their artistic and embroidery skills - huge wall hangings decorated the building and all our uniforms were made on site by Sister Paula and her team of seamstresses. We learned to read, to write with a scratchy ink pen, to sew and dance and to sing songs like "Early One Morning". We crowded around the TV in 1969 to watch the first moon landing.
When we moved house in May 1970 an I left the school, the teacher in this photo, Sr Benigna, made me a card which I treasure to this day.
I remember the names of all these girls and still have the letters which each of them sent to me at my new school South Of The River (a Different Country indeed). We were 8 years old then... I wonder where they all are now?
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