From Now On...

By rachelwhynot

Workmen working here.....

I've been asked to join Yrs 1 and 2 on a visit to the Florence Nightingale Museum and to do a recce for timings etc. I am delighted to be asked! It's a great museum. I met my class up there in a holiday so didn't have to do the journey with the children as mums brought them ...(good one!). Today I even met Florence herself. 

So today has been spent in and around Waterloo and St Thomas's Hospital. LOTS of building and road works going on, so eyes in the back of my head jobby to be aware of all the traffic contraflows etc. I really liked this Andy Warhol hoarding, especially fitting the last bit of the jigsaw....

I had time to walk along Southbank too and tonight sees the opening of the Christmas Market. All the stall holders were preparing the Nordic huts with their goods and the cold chill today added to the festive mood(!) Must visit when it's up and running. 

I managed to catch the start of The London Jazz Festival in the Southbank Centre at lunchtime and had a coffee and sandwich to  the sounds of the Leo Richardson Quartet. BRILLIANT! It was great to be in such a crowd! I finished my time in the centre with a wonderful browse in Foyles Bookshop.

Home on the train before it got too crowded. I am so pleased to live within 40 mins of our wonderful city!

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