Autumn Creature

 "to set budding more, 

And still more, later flowers for the bees, 

Until they think warm days will never cease, 

      For summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells. "

I think it's a bee.  But I know a few blippers who will correct me.

This was taken in Bewdley late this morning on a beautifully sunny day with a nip in the wind.

At Camera Club last night we had a talk by a speaker who was talking about Nature macros using a big lens so I thought I would try that out today I enjoyed it, and I was pleased with some of the results.  In extras there is a gull(?) with the beautiful River Severn in the background.

I haven't delved into Photoshop today.  Been too busy helping my sister buying curtains...  Oh, and taking the odd shot around Bewdley.  Brian1943 - we missed you.

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