A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

King Pin

Guess who I noticed raiding the the bird table in broad daylight as I was about to leave the house today!!?? I was all set to head on out to get my wig styled, & all of a sudden this cheeky chap squirrel scrabbled up the bird table & before I'd even made a dive for the camera, he was hanging upside down, tearing the coconuts seedy contents out & scoffing away.

He was getting particular comfortable when I snapped him here & he was making himself quite at home. We've never seen him up there before, but it seems as though he's strapped on a pair & gone for it. The birds were nowhere to be seen, but then you wouldn't mess with this bruiser would you?!

I would mention work , but then there is much more interesting things to spend time doing in the day & so I will save you all the headache & we'll pretend it never happened.

Blips away!

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