Little houses on the hill top....
i don't know why i'm finding house like shapes in my paintings lately.....i'm enjoying them for sure, and find it sort of exciting to be trying to figure out if it's just that i'm 'trying' to continue seeing houses...or is it more subconscious than that? The extra is another one i have been noodling away at for the past couple of days! it seems to have moved from the 'dog's dinner' phase it was in last night!!!
very cold today....first time it's been this cold....and it has snowed a bit! but nothing like in years gone by!
much industry going on around here today....Richard is cleaning all the windows...our annual meditation retreat is in 2 weeks - he's getting an early start. Terry has made a new pole to fit on the squeegy thingy that Richard uses to clean the windows. And i'm off to start making a Moroccan Stew!!!
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